M1120 HEMTT Load Handling System (LHS) Мультилифт


  1. ↑ “HEMTT Fact File for the United States Army”. Army.mil. U.S. Army. http://www.army.mil/factfiles/equipment/wheeled/hemtt.html.
  2. ↑ “Oshkosh M977 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT)”. IHS Jane’s Shaun C Connors. 2021-05-01. https://customer.janes.com/Janes/Display/JLSU0779-JLSU.
  3. ↑ “Oshkosh M977 heavy expanded mobility tactical truck (HEMTT) and M989A1 heavy expanded mobility ammunition trailer (HEMAT)”. IHS Jane’s Shaun C Connors. 2019-03-18. https://janes.ihs.com/Janes/Display/jmvl0792-jlsu.
  4. ↑ “Oshkosh M977 heavy expanded mobility tactical truck (HEMTT) and M989A1 heavy expanded mobility ammunition trailer (HEMAT)”. IHS Jane’s Shaun C Connors & Christopher F. Foss. 2015-06-14. https://janes.ihs.com/CustomPages/Janes/DisplayPage.aspx?DocType=Reference&ItemId=+++1495090&Pubabbrev=JLSU.
  5. ↑ “Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck HEMTT A4”. Oshkosh Defense. https://oshkoshdefense.com/vehicles/hemtt-a4/.
  6. “HEMTT”. olive-drab.com. Olive-Drab.com LLC. 2008-05-22. http://www.olive-drab.com/idphoto/id_photos_hemtt.php.
  7. “High-Mobility Tactical Truck Joining Goer Vehicle Family”. Army Research and Development News Magazine (U. S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command) 17 (6): 7. November–December 1976. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015078436931;view=1up;seq=195.
  8. ↑ Connors, Shaun (March 2006). “Feature: Oshkosh HEMTT“. Military Machines International (Stamford, England: Key): 34–39.
  9. “OSHKOSH DEFENSE AWARDED $258 MILLION FROM U.S. ARMY FOR RECAPITALIZATION OF HEAVY VEHICLE FLEET”. Oshkosh Defense. Oshkosh Defense. 2017-04-17. https://oshkoshdefense.com/news/oshkosh-defense-awarded-258-million-u-s-army-recapitalization-heavy-vehicle-fleet/.
  10. ↑ “U.S. ARMY AWARDS OSHKOSH DEFENSE $235 MILLION TO RECAPITALIZE HEAVY VEHICLE FLEET”. Oshkosh Defense. Oshkosh Defense. 2018-05-23. https://oshkoshdefense.com/news/u-s-army-awards-oshkosh-defense-235-million-to-recapitalize-heavy-vehicle-fleet/.
  11. “Oshkosh Defense Awarded $232.7 Million To Recapitalize U.S. Army’s Heavy Vehicle Fleet”. Oshkosh Defense. Oshkosh Defense. 2019-02-08. https://oshkoshdefense.com/oshkosh-defense-awarded-232-7-million-to-recapitalize-u-s-armys-heavy-vehicle-fleet/.
  12. ↑ “Oshkosh Defense Awarded Contract to Recapitalize U.S. Army’s Heavy Tactical Vehicles”. 2015-06-19. http://oshkoshdefense.com/news/oshkosh-defense-awarded-contract-recapitalize-u-s-armys-heavy-tactical-vehicles/.
  13. ↑ Doyle, David (2003). Standard catalog of U.S. Military Vehicles. Krause Publications. pp. 247–250. ISBN 0-87349-508-X.
  14. “TM 9-2320-338-10 Operators Manual for Truck, Cargo, M977A4”. US Dept. of the Army. 2008-10-15. https://www.scribd.com/doc/244474407/TM-9-2320-338-10.
  15. “TM 9-2320-339-10 Operators Manual for Truck, Tank, M978A4”. US Dept. of the Army. 2008-10-15. https://www.scribd.com/doc/244502492/TM-9-2320-339-10.
  16. “TM 9-2320-340-10 Operators Manual for Truck, Tractor, M983A4”. US Dept. of the Army. 2008-10-15. https://www.scribd.com/doc/244504033/TM-9-2320-340-10.
  17. “TM 9-2320-341-10 Operators Manual for Truck, Tractor(LET), M983A4”. US Dept. of the Army. 2008-10-15. https://www.scribd.com/doc/244507137/TM-9-2320-341-10.
  18. ↑ “TM 5-5420-234-14&P Operators Unit Maintenance Manual for Common Bridge Transporter M977A2”. US Dept. of the Army. 1999-07-15. https://www.scribd.com/doc/29047972/TM-5-5420-234-14P-CBT-COMMON-BRIDGE-TRANSPORTER.
  19. “TM 5-5420-249-13&P-1 Operator’s and Field Level Maint. Manual for TFFT M1142”. US Dept. of the Army. 2009-02-20. https://www.scribd.com/doc/78170883/TM-5-4210-249-13P-1.
  20. Caiafa, Roberto (2018-07-07). “Exército confirma compra de 10 veículos Oshkosh (Conforme anunciado em 1ª mão por T&D).” (in pt). Tecnodefesa. Brazil. http://tecnodefesa.com.br/exercito-confirma-compra-de-10-veiculos-oshkosh-conforme-anunciado-em-1a-mao-por-td/.
  21. “US DOD”. https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract/Article/2785412//.
  22. “Regimentul 74 PATRIOT” (in ro). . Regimentul 74 P A T R I O T. 27 November 2021. .
  23. “Ukrainian Military Center”. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukraine-received-m1089a1p2-armored-recovery-vehicles/.


Целью HEMTT является обеспечение тяжелых транспортных средств для снабжения и пополнения боевых машин и систем вооружения. По сравнению с предыдущим поколением 5-тонные грузовики в Армия США сервис он предлагает повышенную полезную нагрузку и мобильность. HEMTT доступен во множестве конфигураций, включая грузовой, танкер, трактор и эвакуатор.

HEMTT с самого начала разрабатывался как тактический грузовик, но для минимизации затрат на закупки и жизненного цикла по возможности включал военизированные коммерческие автомобильные компоненты, в том числе двигатель и трансмиссию. Некоторые компоненты, использованные в ранних HEMTT, являются общими с Oshkosh Система логистических транспортных средств (LVS) автомобили, поставленные Корпус морской пехоты США.

За исключением M984 вредитель вариант (254 × 89 × 9,5 мм, спереди; 356 × 89 × 9,5 мм, сзади), на всех вариантах HEMTT шасси изготовлен из термообработанного углерода размером 257 × 89 × 9,5 мм. марганцовистая сталь с предел текучести из 758 МПа. Повсюду используется конструкция с болтами Grade 8. Централизованное самовосстановление лебедка это вариант, и он используется примерно в 20% производства.

Двухдверный HEMTT передовой контроль кабина мест два. Он представляет собой прочную сварную стальную конструкцию с обшивкой из коррозионно-стойкого листового металла. Simula Inc. (приобретено Armor Holdings в 2003 и сейчас BAE Systems ) поставил 186 дополнительных комплектов бронирования кабины для использования в бывшей Югославия. Они не выпускались, но с 2004 года использовались в Ирак. BAE systems поставила комплект брони нового поколения для HEMTT и к концу 2006 г. поставила Армия США около 3600 комплектов для Oshkosh HEMTT и PLS. HEMTT A4 оснащается немного большим от Oshkosh PLS A1. Эта кабина соответствует требованиям Долгосрочной стратегии бронирования (LTAS) армии США философии бронирования A- и B. Он также стандартно поставляется со встроенной напольной броней, встроенным креплением для пулемет и комплект защиты наводчика, и кондиционер.

А Детройт Дизель 8V92TA V-8 двухтактный дизель развивающая 445л.с. (332 кВт ) установлен в моделях HEMTT A0 и A1, при этом версия DDECIV этого двигателя установлена ​​на HEMTT A2. An EPA 2004 послушный Гусеница (CAT) Шестицилиндровый 15,2-литровый дизельный двигатель C-15, развивающий максимальную мощность 515 л.с. (384 кВт), устанавливается на модели HEMTT A4. Модели HEMTT A0 и A1 оснащены Allison HT 740D 4F / 1R автоматическая коробка передач, гидротрансформатор и Oshkosh с двухскоростным двигателем весом 55000 фунтов (25000 кг) раздаточная коробка. Модели HEMTT A2 имеют Allison HD 4560P АКПП 6F / 1R. Модели HEMTT A4 оснащены Эллисон 4500SP Автоматическая трансмиссия 5F / 1R и усиленная версия двухступенчатой ​​раздаточной коробки Oshkosh весом 55 000 фунтов (25 000 кг).

Передние оси на всех HEMTT – одноступенчатые Oshkosh 46K, задние – одноступенчатые Dana, которые различаются в зависимости от конфигурации. Привод на передние оси можно выбрать, и все оси имеют блокировки дифференциалов. Приостановка на моделях A0 / A1 / A3 – Хендриксон рессоры с уравнительными балками. Подвеска на моделях А4 Голландия пневматическая подвеска, допустимая нагрузка на задние оси зависит от конфигурации. Размер шин 1600 R20 на всех моделях, а стандартная подгонка шин Мишлен XZL.

Все модели способны преодолевать водные переходы глубиной до 48 дюймов (120 см) и преодолевать подъемы. градиент не менее 60%. Все оригинальные варианты могут быть перевезены воздушным транспортом в С-130. Все варианты могут быть транспортированы по воздуху в С-17.

Оригинальные модели HEMTT теперь имеют суффикс A0. В комплектации A1 выпускался только эвакуатор M984. Все модели выпускались в конфигурации А2. Суффикс A3 применяется к HEMTT демонстраторы технологий с дизель-электрический система привода. Текущие серийные модели HEMTT имеют суффикс A4.


Following the evaluation of proposals submitted by AM General, MAN, Pacific Car & Foundry (PACCAR) and Oshkosh Truck Corporation, In May 1981, the then U.S. Army Tank Automotive Command awarded an initial five-year contract valued at US$251.13 million to Oshkosh Truck Corporation for production of the 10 ton (9,070 kg) 8 x 8 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT).

The M1120 LHS variant was initially introduced as part of the HEMTT overhaul/rebuild programme, during which returned M977 Cargo variants have their cargo bodies and materials handling cranes removed, to be replaced by a Multilift Mark 5 (now designated MPH165-LHS) load handling system, as fitted to the Oshkosh PLS truck. Other modifications include an upgrade of the rear suspension.

The first rebuilt M1120 was produced in late-1999, with new build M1120A2 examples (now A4) available from February 2004.

By mid 2021 Oshkosh had manufactured (new build) 35,800 HEMTTs of all types. Specific figures for the M1120 LHS variant are not available.

For reference, original HEMTT models now have the suffix A0. Only the M984 wrecker was produced in A1 configuration. All models were produced in A2 configuration. The A3 suffix is applied to HEMTT technology demonstrators with a diesel-electric drive system. All current HEMTT production models have the suffix A4.


The HEMTT’s objective is to provide heavy transport capabilities for supply and re-supply of combat vehicles and weapons systems. Compared to earlier generation 5-ton trucks in U.S. Army service it offers increased payload and mobility. The HEMTT is available in a variety of configurations, including cargo, tanker, tractor and wrecker.

The HEMTT was developed from the outset as a tactical truck, but to minimize procurement and life cycle costs included militarized commercial automotive components where possible, these including the engine and transmission. Some components used in early HEMTTs are common with the Oshkosh Logistics Vehicle System (LVS) vehicles which were supplied to the U.S. Marine Corps.

With the exception of the M984 wrecker variant (254 × 89 × 9.5 mm, front; 356 × 89 × 9.5 mm, rear), on all HEMTT variants the chassis is formed of 257 × 89 × 9.5 mm heat-treated carbon manganese steel with a yield strength of 758 MPa. Bolted construction with Grade 8 bolts is used throughout. A centrally mounted self-recovery winch is an option and this is fitted to around 20% of production.

The HEMTT’s two-door forward control cab seats two. It is of heavy-duty welded steel construction with corrosion-resistant sheet metal skins. Simula Inc. (acquired by Armor Holdings in 2003 and now BAE Systems) supplied 186 add-on cab armoring kits for use in the former Yugoslavia. These were not issued, but from 2004 were used in Iraq. BAE systems supplied a next-generation armor kit for the HEMTT and by late-2006 had supplied the U.S. Army with around 3600 kits for the Oshkosh HEMTT and PLS. The HEMTT A4 is fitted with the slightly larger from the Oshkosh PLS A1. This cab complies with the U.S. Army’s Long Term Armor Strategy (LTAS) requirements of an A- and B-kit armoring philosophy. It also comes as standard with integrated floor armor, an integrated mount for a machine gun and gunner protection kit, and air-conditioning.

A Detroit Diesel 8V92TA V-8 two-stroke diesel developing 445 hp (332 kW) is fitted in HEMTT A0 and A1 models, with the DDECIV version of this engine fitted to A2 HEMTTs. An EPA 2004 compliant Caterpillar (CAT) C-15 six-cylinder, 15.2-liter diesel developing a peak of 515 hp (384 kW) is fitted to HEMTT A4 models. HEMTT A0 and A1 models are fitted with an Allison HT 740D 4F/1R automatic transmission, torque converter, and Oshkosh 55,000-pound (25,000 kg) two-speed transfer case. HEMTT A2 models have the Allison HD 4560P 6F/1R automatic transmission. HEMTT A4 models are fitted with an Allison 4500SP 5F/1R automatic transmission and an uprated version of Oshkosh’s 55,000-pound (25,000 kg) two-speed transfer case.

The front axles on all HEMTTs are single-reduction Oshkosh 46K, the rear are Dana single-reduction which vary according to configuration. Drive to the front axles is selectable and all axles have differential locks. Suspension on A0/A1/A3 models is by Hendrickson leaf springs with equalizing beams. Suspension on A4 models is Holland air suspension, load rating on the rear axles varying by configuration. Tire size is 1600 R20 on all models, and standard tire fit is Michelin XZL.

All models are capable of fording water crossings up to 48 in (120 cm) deep, and can climb a gradient of at least 60%. All original variants are air transportable in the C-130. All variants are air-transportable in the C-17.

Original HEMTT models now have the suffix A0. Only the M984 wrecker was produced in A1 configuration. All models were produced in A2 configuration. The A3 suffix is applied to HEMTT technology demonstrators with a diesel-electric drive system. Current HEMTT production models have the suffix A4.


The M1120 HEMTT LHS can be equipped with several different styles of racks for the load handling system. The job at hand determines which rack would be used. The most commonly used is the flat rack. It can be loaded from the ground or on the truck. The driver can load or unload a flat rack from inside the cab of the truck in a matter of minutes. There is a trailer that goes along with the M1120 HEMTT LHS. The driver can also load and unload flat racks on or off the trailer in minutes from the cab. These types of vehicles are mostly used in logistics. They can haul many different types of cargo, everything from other vehicles to liquids. Conex boxes are also able to attach to the flat racks. They are capable of carrying a payload of 11 tons on the vehicle and pulling a payload of 11 tons on the trailer. The trailer that is pulled is called the M1076. It is a wagon style trailer, which turns at the point where it connects to the vehicle and at the first axle as well. The trailer has three axles and can hold 16.5 tons.

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Power for the vehicle is provided by a diesel engine which is coupled directly to an automatic transmission.
Power from the transmission is transferred to the transfer case and on to the front and rear axles through a series of propeller shafts and universal joints.

The engine is a 2-cycle, turbocharged, 8-cylinder, v-block diesel unit.

The automatic transmission includes an electrically controlled power takeoff (PTO).
The PTO provides power to a hydraulic pump, which powers the vehicle’s hydraulic system.
The hydraulic system operates the self-recovery winch, the material handling crane, the heavy duty recovery winch, and the pumping equipment, depending on how the vehicle is equipped.

The transfer case connects the drive train to the number 1 and number 2 axles when 8-wheel drive is needed.
The transfer case has two gear ratios (high and low) and neutral.
Because the gears are not synchronized, the vehicle must be stopped before the transfer case can be shifted between ranges.
Engagement of the transfer case in low range will automatically engage the drive train to the front axles.

Front and rear tandem axles are single reduction, full floating axle shaft type.
The front tandem provides steering. The rear tandem is nonsteering.
Both front and rear tandems are equipped with wheel differentials and interaxle differentials.
The interaxle differentials have driver-controlled lockouts for positive drive to all axles in low range.
The rear tandem is equipped with permanently engaged controlled traction differentials.
The front and rear suspensions are tandem axle type with leaf springs and equalizer beams.

The propeller shafts and universal joints transmit engine power to the axles.

1280×1150, 132K, B/W, PNG


Following the evaluation of proposals submitted by AM General, MAN, Pacific Car & Foundry (PACCAR) and Oshkosh Truck Corporation, In May 1981, the then U.S. Army Tank Automotive Command awarded an initial five-year contract valued at US$251.13 million to Oshkosh Truck Corporation for production of the 10 ton (9,070 kg) 8 x 8 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT).

The M1120 LHS variant was initially introduced as part of the HEMTT overhaul/rebuild programme, during which returned M977 Cargo variants have their cargo bodies and materials handling cranes removed, to be replaced by a Multilift Mark 5 (now designated MPH165-LHS) load handling system, as fitted to the Oshkosh PLS truck. Other modifications include an upgrade of the rear suspension.

The first rebuilt M1120 was produced in late-1999, with new build M1120A2 examples (now A4) available from February 2004.

By early 2016 Oshkosh had manufactured (new build and remanufactured) in excess of 27,000 HEMTTs of all types. Specific figures for the M1120 LHS variant are not available.

For reference, original HEMTT models now have the suffix A0. Only the M984 wrecker was produced in A1 configuration. All models were produced in A2 configuration. The A3 suffix is applied to HEMTT technology demonstrators with a diesel-electric drive system. All current HEMTT production models have the suffix A4.

References (bibliography)

  • Brothers of HEMTT – PLS-LVS by Carl Schulze (published by Tankograd) Tankograd
  • HEMTT: US Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck by Carl Schulze (published by Tankograd) Tankograd
  • Jane’s Land Warfare Platforms 2015-2016: Logistics, Support & Unmanned ISBN:0710631723
  • Jane’s Land Warfare Platforms 2014/2015: Logistics, Support & Unmanned ISBN:0710631308
  • Jane’s Military Vehicles & Logistics 2004–2005 ISBN:0710626312
  • Jane’s Land Warfare Platforms: Logistics, Support & Unmanned
  • Modern U.S. Military Vehicles by Fred Crismon ISBN:0760305269
  • Oshkosh Trucks: 75 Years of Specialty Truck Production (Paperback; November, 1992) (ISBN:0879386614)
  • TM 9-2320-279-10-1 (vol. 1 of 2). https://www.nsncenter.com/Files/library/TM/HEMTT/TM-9-2320-279-10-1/TM-9-2320-279-10-1.pdf. and TM 9-2320-279-10-2 (vol. 2 of 2). https://www.nsncenter.com/Files/library/TM/HEMTT/TM-9-2320-279-10-2/TM-9-2320-279-10-2.pdf. Operator’s Manual M977 Series, 8×8 Heavy Expanded Mobility Trucks (HEMTT). US Dept. of the Army. 1998.


The M977 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) series of vehicles consists of a number of different models all built on similar chassis but specially equipped to perform different missions.
These 8×8 diesel-powered off-road capable all-weather trucks are used by the U.S. military to perform line and local haul, unit resupply, and related missions in a tactical environment.


  • All models are capable of operating in temperatures from -25° to 120°F (-32° to 49°C) and to -50°F (-46°C) with arctic kit installed.
  • All models can ford water up to 48 inches (1,219 mm) deep for 5 minutes without damage or without requiring maintenance before operation can continue.
  • Normal operating range of all models is 300 miles (483 km), based upon 154 gallons (583 L) of fuel and 100,000 pound (45,400 kg) GCWR, traveling over mixed terrain.
    Varying loads, prolonged idle, use of power takeoff (PTO), offroad driving, and climatic conditions affect operating range.
  • All models are provided with sufficient tiedown points located so vehicles can be restrained in all directions during air transport in C-130, C-141, and C-5A type aircraft.
    All models are capable of being transported by highway, rail, and sea.


HEMTT существуют в нескольких конфигурациях:

  • Грузовой автомобиль M977 и M985  : перевозка грузов и всех видов оборудования, включая боеприпасы. Кран установлен на задней части транспортного средства;
  • M978 танкер  : поставки тактических транспортных средств в течение миссии и вертолеты в местах продвинулись в передней линии  ;
  • M983 трактор  : буксирует MIM-104 Patriot ракет системы на прицепе. Трактор M983 с генератором мощностью 30 кВт и краном за кабиной буксировал ракетную установку MGM-31 Pershing  ;
  • Вредитель M984  : использует домкраты и буксировочную систему для подъема вышедших из строя автомобилей за две-три минуты. На нем установлена подъемная лебедка , кран и большой вещевой отсек;
  • M1120 HEMTT-LHS – это HEMTT M977 с системой обработки грузов .
  • HEMTT A3 – технологический демонстратор, оснащенный гибридным двигателем .
  • Вариант карьерной машины для минной системы M-136 Volcano, также на транспортной машине M939.


The Crew Protection Kit provides the HEMTT with improved ballistic protection against mines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), light artillery fragments, and 7.62mm ball projectiles.
The kit consists of armor panels that are installed on the cab of the HEMTT:

  • Driver-side, center, and passenger-side blast deflectors under the vehicle.
  • Front, side, rear, and roof armor panels.
  • An armored roof escape hatch.
  • Door assemblies.
  • Radiator grille armor.
  • Ballistic glass for windshield and side door windows.

The Crew Protection Kit has two different side armor and door armor configurations.
The updated side armor and door armor are referred to as Model B.

Total weight of kit: 2,883.99 lb (1,308.13 kg).
Total weight increase to vehicle: 2,490.79 lb (1,129.78 kg).
Total weight of Model B kit: 3,529.19 lb (1,600.78 kg).
Total weight increase of Model B kit to vehicle: 3,135.99 lb (1,422.43 kg).


Following the evaluation of proposals submitted by AM General, MAN, Pacific Car & Foundry (PACCAR) and Oshkosh Truck Corporation, In May 1981, the then U.S. Army Tank Automotive Command awarded an initial five-year contract valued at US$251.13 million to Oshkosh Truck Corporation for production of the 10 ton (9,070 kg) 8 x 8 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT).

The M1120 LHS variant was initially introduced as part of the HEMTT overhaul/rebuild programme, during which returned M977 Cargo variants have their cargo bodies and materials handling cranes removed, to be replaced by a Multilift Mark 5 (now designated MPH165-LHS) load handling system, as fitted to the Oshkosh PLS truck. Other modifications include an upgrade of the rear suspension.

The first rebuilt M1120 was produced in late-1999, with new build M1120A2 examples (now A4) available from February 2004.

By mid 2021 Oshkosh had manufactured (new build) 35,800 HEMTTs of all types. Specific figures for the M1120 LHS variant are not available.

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